Covid live news: scientists warn UK may have worst to come; Israel tightens Covid passport rules
The boarded-up storefront of Rae’s Cafe in Blue Springs, Missouri, does not look much like a Covid-19 battleground – but it has become a cause célèbre of the anti-masking movement since owner Amanda Wohletz began a campaign in July to defy local Jackson county mask mandates imposed after Delta variant infections surged.
Despite warnings, citations, the revocation of a food permit and a county health department’s®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/UK Passport Online order to close her doors, Wohletz persisted, claiming in court that the mandate ordering everyone five and up is required to wear a face covering when visiting indoor public spaces was “unconstitutionally created” and efforts to enforce it Check out here were “unlawful, nonsensical”.
Now the restaurant is shuttered. In a 23 September ruling, a county judge rejected Wohletz’s argument of medical exemptions and that the restaurant could skirt the mandate by operating as a private club. The judge also ordered Rae’s to cease operations until it obtained a valid food permit.
Welcome to Missouri’s Covid culture wars.